//------------------------------------------------------- #include "shapes.inc" // ----------------- HF_Torus macro --------------------- #declare Fn_1 = function(x, y, z) {1-(-f_snoise3d(x*3,y*3,z*3)*0.8)} //------------------------------------------------------- object{ HF_Torus( Fn_1, //Function, 0, // UseUVheight: 0 or 1 1, // UseUVtexture: 0 or 1 <50,50>, // Resolution, 1, // Smooth: 0 or 1 "",// FileName, ""=no file, 2.00, 1.00 ,// R_Major, R_Minor// Radius -0.25 // Depth ) //-------------------------------------- texture{ pigment{ gradient x+y color_map{ [ 0.0 color rgb< 1.0,0.95, 0.9>*1] [ 0.5 color rgb< 1.0,0.95, 0.9>*1] [ 0.5 color rgb< 0.8, 0.0, 0.05> ] [ 1.0 color rgb< 0.8, 0.0, 0.05> ] } // end color_map turbulence 0.0 scale< 1,3,1>*0.015 } // end pigment finish { phong 1 reflection 0.01} } // end of texture scale<1,1,1>*1 rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0.00,0> } // end of HF_Torus ------------------------------------