// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // Radiosity scene.pov // Radiosity sample for POV-Ray version 3.7 // Derived for a sample of Bob Hughes,2001 // by Friedrich A. Lohmueller, Dec 2010 // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #version 3.7; #default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #default{ finish{ ambient 0 diffuse 1 }} //------------------------------------------ #include "shapes.inc" #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" //------------------------------------------ global_settings{ ambient_light 1 radiosity { // pretrace_start 1 // pretrace_end 1 error_bound 0.6 count 50 // brightness 1 // gray_threshold 0 // media on // normal on recursion_limit 2 } // -------------- }// end global_settings // ---------------------------------------- sky_sphere{ pigment { color rgb <1,1,1.0>*1} } camera{ location <0, 14, -20> right x*image_width/image_height rotate 12*y look_at <-1.25,2.8,0> angle 33 } plane{ <0,1,0>,0 // floor texture{ pigment { color rgb 1 } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 1 specular 0.4 roughness 0.01 } } } // ----------------------------------------- union { #for (Cnt,1,3) difference { box {<-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,1> } sphere {0,1.40 inverse texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.5}} } sphere {0,1.25} texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>} finish{ phong 1 diffuse 1-Cnt/10 } } translate<0,0,0> scale 1+Cnt*0.65 translate <0,1+Cnt*0.30,0> rotate Cnt*<0,-22,0> }//---------- #end scale <1,1,1> translate<0,1,0> } // -----------------------------------------